In my opinion I think any teacher in my content area would benefit from my number one resource which are my colleagues. My team offers some of the best advice and knowledge. Wherever a teacher may end up, they will gain so much growth if they work together with their team and share tips and advice.
The second best resource I have found to be an amazing help are the STUDENTS!! I always asked my students opinions and listened to their suggestions. Many times during a unit I would come up with a plan for the unit, I would introduce the idea to them and we would follow through with it. Eventually I would ask them what they thought about it with following questions: Did you like it this way or that way? What do you think worked better, why?. Students are very bright and will share out. This also makes student feel like they have some control over the situation.
My 3rd favorite resource is social media. Given that I teach PE I joined a Facebook page title "PE Central". This page consist of hundreds of PE teachers from all over the world. Everyone shares lesson ideas, and advice. If you have questions, you will get multiple responses. This is a great way for new PE teachers to reach out and utilize this resource.